Circle Lazy K Ranch
Circle Lazy K Ranch
Training - Colt Starting - Lessons - English - Western
Breeders of purebred Arabians, Quarter horses, and outcrosses
Breeders of purebred Arabians, Quarter horses, and outcrosses

Our Story
Our Story

Circle Lazy K Ranch began as a dream many years ago by my son and I. Starting with a true desire to produce an Arabian horse of size, correct structure, versatility and possessing an exceptional mind we purchased our foundation mares CLK Kharazonna and Barristers Firey Rose. Moving from ranch to ranch as real estate became more of a commodity in California, we have finally moved to our permanent home in Okmulgee, Oklahoma. From meager foundations, we plan to continue making a firm mark on the Arabian horse industry as well as pairing equine enthusiasts with the partner of their dreams.
Since 2013, Todd Bulik of Bulik Training Stables had been training out of Madera, California. In October 2018, he moved his training operation to Circle Lazy K Ranch, widening our services into western performance disciplines that include reined cowhorse, cutting, and reining - for all breeds. In addition, our breeding program has nowexpanded to include quarter horses and their outcrosses. Todd is an NCHA money earner, winner of multiple buckles in cutting and sorting, and most recently won an AQHA working cow horse class earning our stallion Look Metalman his first point in Working Cow Horse.
"Pleasure is an option...Performance is not."